Mariah Gladstone


Mariah Gladstone

Mariah Gladstone, Blackfeet, comes to us from the northwestern corner of Montana. She is passionate about environmental activism, as she served as an Earth Ambassador for UNITY from 2015-2016. This year she has been named as one of the top 25 under 25 leaders in Indian Country. Right now she is focusing on the concept of indigenous wellness, primarily with regards to fitness and nutrition. Mariah is in the development phases of a pre-colonialization cooking show entitled “Indigikitchen” as well as creating and teaching a Powwow Zumba class. She hopes to use technology and modernity as tools for encouraging youth to embrace traditional wellness practices.

Hi Auntie! I recently have been using crystals but am curious about Native American religion since I am Native American myself, I don’t want to betray any religion but I just want to know if I can believe in both!

see answer