Terrell Casey


Terrell Casey

Terrell Casey, 16yrs, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, is first and foremost…… an amazing artist. He is involved with his Tribal Youth Council and has been to many conferences, including the first ever Tribal White House Gathering. He is passionate about education and knows it’s true value and how important it is. Terrell likes the share his knowledge of art and is interested in development within communities. Don’t be surprised if you see him designing the next big thing for housing in Native communities. We welcome his artistic vision to the We R Native team.

I recently found out I’m 1/8th Indigenous on my mom’s side and want to learn more about my tribe. When I ask my mom, she says I’m not enough blood quantum and should learn about ALL indigenous cultures rather than our specific tribe (which she won’t tell me) if I’m interested. Even when I ask for other family’s contact info, it’s a toss up on whether or not they’ll even acknowledge me because I’m trans. What do I do?

see answer