I want to go to college and have good grades, but my family doesn’t have a lot of money. Should I still apply to schools? -Carlee

I want to go to college and have good grades, but my family doesn’t have a lot of money. Should I still apply to schools? -Carlee

Carlee, even if your family doesn’t have a ton of money, you should still apply for the best schools you can get into. The truth is that most people receivesome sort of financial aid for school. The majority apply for grants, loans and scholarships.

Here’s some basic advice – Talk to someone in the financial aid office at the colleges you are applying to learn more. Also email or call people at theAmerican Indian student center or the office of minority student affairs (or something similar sounding) at the colleges you are interested in. They willknow – or can connect you with people – who will know about certain opportunities you are eligible to apply for. Also, you can talk to people in the educationdepartment at your tribe or counselors at your high school to learn more about grants your community may offer for college.

Finally you can google scholarships opportunities online for “Native” people, “American Indian” people, and “minorities.”…But Carlee do it early!…some scholarship and grant applications are due around the same time as applications to schools – or even earlier.

Go Carlee go! See you at Harvard girl!

Love, Auntie Manda

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