Sometimes I couldn’t control my sexual thoughts and I masturbate

Sometimes I couldn’t control my sexual thoughts and I masturbate, but after this act I feel kind of guilty. So is this masturbation good?

Thank you for your honest question. There are some crazy myths out there about masturbation being bad for you, like you will grow hair on your hands, or once you start masturbating you’ll become addicted to it. This is not true. Masturbation isn’t unhealthy or bad for you. In fact, it can be good for your health and is the safest sex you can have; no risk of getting pregnant or getting an STI.

Unfortunately some people are taught through their family, friends, or sometimes society that masturbating is bad, so they feel guilty. Try to remember that most people masturbate, it’s totally normal, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Masturbation only becomes a problem if it gets in the way your responsibilities, like school or your social life. If that does happen, you may want to talk to a counselor or you can talk to a doctor.

Thanks for writing in!

Good luck.
Auntie Manda

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