What are some ways you can help your community in and out of your daily lives?

What are some ways you can help your community in and out of your daily lives?

Dear Kayla,


I love that you are looking for some ways to get involved with community service. From a very young age, I knew I had this passion inside me too. But I always  found it a little intimidating because I would see stuff on TV, or read about it and it was always like, “whoa, how do I do that?” But as I have gotten older, I’ve learned that sometimes small things can lead to really big changes.

A couple great examples are some that happened in Indian Country using WRN community service grants. One example is from Shoshone- Bannock in Fort Hall, ID. There was a group of youth who wanted to do something on their rez, so they asked the elders of their community what they needed. The elders told them that they could use some help around their homes. So, they got together and cleaned the front and back yards of their elders homes and it was as simple and powerful as that. They wrote into WRN, got an adult mentor, and filled out a simple form.

Another example, is when The NDYC from Shiprock, NM saw the need to get their community tested for STD’s. They knew that it would be a hard sell, so they hosted a day of fun; they had a 5K run/walk, along with burgers/ hotdogs and sodas for food…and dodge ball and music. They had around 100 people come to their event…with many people getting tested (in porta potties)- which is pretty rad. Recently they got some serious props from doctors, nurses and higher ups in the Indian Health Service for their work. Again, all it took was an idea, a simple WRN Community Service application form, and a dedicated group.

Both of these groups needed some funding for this so they went on our WRN website and applied for a mini-grant. You can get up to $475 dollars, depending on what you hope to accomplish. To start, find an adult who can help guide you through this process and a group of friend you think would be interested in helping out. Once you’ve got and an idea, check out the grants opportunities at You can print out your application and mail it to us, or submit it online. If you have any trouble, go to our facebook page and let us know what’s up. We’ll help you out in anyway we can.

If you’re interested in other types of volunteering or need some inspiration, check out This is a great site that advocates young people just do something. Anything. To make the world a better place and address the bunk they see.

Rock on Kayla, we would love to receive a community service grant application from you and others out there in Indian Country. Take care and write in again if you need anything else.

This is your Auntie Amanda signing off from Portland, OR. Love to you Kayla.

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