Hey Auntie, can you please explain the difference between the two vaccines? If I get it, I’m still not convinced, do I still have to wear a mask in public?

Thanks for the question!

Yes, I get the if part. Indigenous people have a long and dark history with the healthcare system, so if you’re feeling that, acknowledge it, you’re not making it up. It’s been passed down to you. Once you’ve done that, then think about how you’re going to move on today and take care of yourself and your elders.

The difference between the two vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, is pretty small. They are more alike than they are different.

Both vaccines:

  • Teach cells to make a protein that will have the immune system fight back
  • Have more than 94% effective rate
  • Are effective for different races and genders, as well as for any underlying medical conditions
  • Have mild side effects – similar to other flu shots

The differences:

  • Pfizer’s vaccine is for 16 years and older; Moderna 18 and older
  • Pfizer is two shots given 21 days apart; Moderna two shots 28 days apart

And, yes, people who get the vaccines should still practice physical distancing and wear their masks in public.

If you have questions, write them down and check with your healthcare provider.

Lastly, there’s no need to feel any certain way about having hesitations, just know where it’s coming from. Historical trauma still deeply impacts us to this day, but we get to decide to move forward to take care of our people and we can end the pandemic together, or not – it’s your decision.

Thanks for writing in and take care!

Auntie Manda

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