Bailee Piper


Bailee Piper

Bailee, Big Pine Paiute Tribe, wants to offer support to the youth on her reservation as well as different southern California tribes.

I want to get the word out about the WRN Ambassadors and by being involved I hope to encourage younger youth to stay drug and alcohol free and to get involved in their culture and to be proud of who they are and all that they accomplish! The reservation that I grew up on is very small, we have roughly 500 members. It is very common thinking on my rez that drugs and alcohol are a part of growing up and most times it seems a blind eye is turned on youth experimenting, and later becoming habitual users, the youth who have never taken a drink, smoked or experimented are the minority. I feel very strongly about getting to the younger kids, and telling them that they are stronger and anything that alters their thinking, appearance, and relationships they have with their loved ones is not a part of growing up, its something that should be avoided. I come from a drug and alcohol free household, I feel that I am someone that younger youth can look up to and trust because of that reason, I have held the title of Miss Big Pine Paiute Tribe 2012-2013 and many other local Pow Wow Princess titles. I am hardworking, and reliable. I am in my first year of college where I am a student athlete, I play softball and have played since I was 6 years old as a T-baller, through my local recreation league to high school and select club teams. I think being an athlete attributed to my strong work ethic and my desire to stay drug and alcohol free so that I can take my career as far as possible!

I want out of sex trade

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