Conner Roubideaux


Conner Roubideaux

Conner is a member of Rosebud Sioux tribe, she is from Fort Thompson, SD on Crow Creek Reservation. She love to be involved in her community and school. Conner was recently a peer mentor at Rural America Initiative for Ateyapi Elementary for the 2016 Summer. She currently participate every year at Black Hills Powwow and Lakota Nation Invitational Handgames tournament. She love to teach kids her Lakota culture and help them understand it as well. As participating every year since starting high school in Safe Halloween at Central High school, and a after school program called Ateyapi.

I grew up in an urban city in Oklahoma. I want to move back to my ancestral lands, but I’m scared of not being accepted by my relations back home. How do I confront this fear?

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