Leah Kay


Leah Kay

Repping the Pacific Northwest, Leah Kay, Spokane Tribe, age 17, comes from the state of Washington. She wants to help motivate and inspire the youth to find a positive way to get past struggles and understand they have help, especially through We R Native! Her indomitable will and determination is what helped her become president of the Native Club at Rogers where she strives all year long to get Native youth involved in community events. Some of Leah’s hobbies include beading, going to powwows, playing volleyball, and reading. She also attended the first annual Gen-I White House Youth Gathering. We R Native is excited to welcome Leah to the team.

My boyfriend is native, but he’s fairly light skinned and his family separated from their tribe years ago. He isn’t confident in who he is and is always doubting his roots though we both know he is apache. How can I help him? What can we do to connect him

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