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What is your favorite song?

Thanks for writing in. For an all time favorite, probably ‘Follow Me’ by Uncle Kracker. I just remember hearing that song for the first time and it felt like everything clicked. This is why people like music, I get it now. My passion for music has only grown since then—…

What does it mean to be gender-queer?

Thanks for writing in. Genderqueer is an umbrella term used to describe identities outside the gender binary. These days, more and more people are describing themselves as genderqueer, nonbinary, or gender non-conforming. These terms mean different things, but they all describe people whose gender identity is something other than woman…

Do you have advice on how to cope or get through tough times?

We all have tough times in our lives and I think having some tools to help yourself along the way is really important. For me, making things always helps me work through challenges. This can be any type of creation, you could bead, carve, writing, photography, etc. For me singing…

Do you have advice on how to cope or get through tough times

Two things have been tremendously helpful in maintaining stability in my mental/emotional health and getting through hard times. First has been my relationship with Creator. I look for Creator everywhere, and I find it within everything, animals, people, growing things. My tribe’s creation stories teaches that creator is everything and…

I feel like I don’t belong in my tribe

As someone who supports urban natives and advocates for their well-being, I understand the complexity of your situation and the sense of disconnection you’re experiencing. It can be challenging to navigate one’s identity and sense of belonging, especially when cultural traditions and teachings have not been passed down within the…

Will my dad disown me if he finds out I’m bi?

Will my dad disown me if he finds out I’m bi? He’s very homophobic and I’ve heard him say that being queer is a sickness. I know he loves me a lot even though I’m the problem child. Will I lose him if/when I come out? Thank you for writing…

What are the best resources for learning your native language?

Hello and good day, Befriending local speakers/elders is a great way to begin to learn as they can help you absorb the language in its spoken form. Common phrases, sentences, questions that can be used conversationally, keep the language useful and easily absorbed. Another good way to start is learning…