Being Emo, and wearing dark clothes doesn’t mean I’m depressed, does it?

Being Emo, And Wearing Dark clothes does not mean I am depressed does it?

I want to answer simply. No it doesn’t. The only thing that makes you depressed is depression. If that is something you are strongly considering, or are wondering about then I implore you to please seek a trusted friend, adult or a school counselor or someone that you trust to have this depression conversation with.

Additionally people tend to judge the things that they themselves don’t understand. This leads to labels, assumptions and generalizations. If you truly enjoy the emo scene/music or wearing dark clothes, that’s completely fine. Try not to let people’s opinions sway you from what you enjoy. Ideally I’d ask you to take a look and reflect on your own reasons of why. Why emo? Why dark clothes? This should help you better understand not only who you are, but what you truly are about.

Own who you are! Best,

Uncle Paige

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