I graduated high school but am lost on what to study or where to go?

Hey There!

Yes, graduating from high school and deciding what to do next is definitely one of the biggest transitions in a young person’s life. It’s no wonder you’re feeling a little lost, and probably overwhelmed. It might be hard to believe, but most people feel this way during this time. You’re not alone.

What to do about the pressure?
There’s a lot of pressure when making a decision that could affect the rest of your life… but don’t despair! The average twenty-something switchesjobs once every three years, and the average person changes career fields two or three times in their lifetime.

Do you have to decide now?
Most definitely not! Not everyone knows exactly what they want to do with their lives at such an early age. As you live and experience life more, you’llprobably make those adjustments throughout your life. If you decide to go to college, the good news about that is that some colleges won’t make you decideon a major until your sophomore or junior year, but do keep in mind the end goal and the cost of tuition. You probably don’t want to make a career outof going to college.

Decide what motivates you.
Is it the pimped out car, bling around your neck, or penthouse apartment that motivates you? Or, is it giving back to your community, creating, building,or working with Mother Nature? Think about the type of lifestyle you think you’d like to have. This can help you determine what kind of career you mightwant.

Now live a little.
Explore your interests to help you find your path. Spend some time exploring and experimenting. We’re not all meant to take the same path, so think criticallyabout the advice people give you (including myself) and think outside the box. In some countries high school graduates take a gap year, which is a yearto learn a trade, start an internship, study different disciplines, do some volunteer work, or travel.

You can also do this exploring while in you’re in school. Some schools will let you take exploratory studies, to get a taste for different majors. Ifcollege isn’t your thing, think about trade schools, or working as an apprentice. If you think you might be interested in a certain field, see about shadowingsomeone for a day, or working out an internship. Also, giving yourself a time frame on when to make a decision can help motivate you and keep you focused.

I hope this helps you a little bit. I like to think there are no right or wrong answers in life. Even if you make a wrong turn, you’re still learningand the lesson you learn might just help you when you need it most.

Best of luck!

Love, Auntie Manda

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