Dear Auntie, I’m Apache but I would like to know what tribe my ancestor is from

Dear Auntie, I’m Apache but I would like to know what tribe my ancestor is from in New Mexico. I’ve asked all my family and received little info. The ancestor is my 3rd great grandfather and there is no record of what Apache Tribe please help thanks.

Hey there! Happy to try to point you in the right direction. 🙂

As far as I know, there are two Apache tribes in New Mexico; the Jicarilla in the North and the Mescalero Apaches in the South. If you know what part of NM your great-great-great grandfather is from, this might help you decide where you want to begin your search.

The Jicarilla Apache headquarters are in Dulce, which is in the north-central part of NM, close to the Colorado border. Their name is Spanish for “little basket.” There are about 3,400 Jicarilla tribal members. You can give their tribal office a call and see if they can help direct you to enrollment services. Their number is: (575) 759-3951. I couldn’t find an official tribal website, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

The Mescalero Apaches are in the South, near Ruidoso NM, which is where I lived from – 5th grade until I graduated HS. So, the Mescaleros hold a special place in my heart. Their vice-president Gabe Aguilar was a friend of my brothers’ and mine. 🙂 The Mescaleros get their name from the mescal plant, which they gathered and ate. They have about 3,100 enrolled members. They have a really great website you can visit to learn more. And, if you want to give their tribal office number a call, it is (575) 464-4494.

Another option is to get ahold of the Indian Health Services SW regional office in Albuquerque. Their number is (505) 563-3103/3106.

Just let the three numbers I’ve given you know what you’ve told me… that you’re trying to find out more information about your tribe and think you from an Apache tribe in NM. I’d take any leads that come your way. Be sure to ask about tribal eligibility, which does vary from tribe to tribe.

I hope this narrows it down a little for you. I’m wishing you the best of luck.

Thanks for writing in!

Take care,
Auntie Manda

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