Dear Auntie, what are you grateful for this year?

I love this question!

In reflecting back on this crazy year, one thing that stuck with me was when we first started hearing and preparing for COVID, I, probably alongside most of the world, was looking at the world infection maps.

Maps that showed varying sizes of red dots indicating how many cases each country had. Over the course of a couple days, weeks, then months, we saw these red dots grow and spread.

And it occurred to me to think of this differently. To look at these maps as a clear indication of the reach of individuals. This is the power that each individual holds. In the case of COVID, it has been a negative, but then I thought, if anyone has ever doubted just how much power, they, an individual, just one person, holds; we can see the reach spread across the whole entire world by looking at these maps.

This makes me incredibly hopeful. It tells me how the decisions I make, as just one-person matter. It matters to my family, my co-workers, my friends, those I meet randomly, and most importantly myself.

Going into 2021, someone had said something that I have been rolling around for the past several months and it has deeply impacted my life since: how you do one thing, is how you will do everything. I have found nothing truer than this.

I will take this with me into the new year, knowing that the decisions I make big or small will make a difference.

I will find great hope in knowing that you are out there too, making decisions both big and small that will impact this world because after all, we’ve all got stardust in our bones.

Take care,

Auntie Manda

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