Dress code in schools

My school heavily restricts what people can and can’t wear to prom. They stick by the rules that if you were born female you absolutely must wear a dress, even if you now identify as a male or if you simply would prefer to wear to wear a suit. Being forced to wear clothes that they don’t want to wear could add to Trans students dysphoria

It seems to me that your school, like many other schools are simply caught behind the times. Time is ever changing. Sadly the school system continues to dredge forward a reminder of the days of yonder. Whether it’s been segregation, refusal to allow feathers at graduation or the now disallowing of self-identification and expression. A place I would start:

  • Identify a support system within your school, gay straight alliance, teachers or potentially an outside organization. 
  • Using this support system brainstorm a positive way to bring attention to this important topic. Sometimes when people are passionate about something, or the opposition is clearly in the wrong we tend to let our emotions dictate our behavior. 
  • Look for positive/creative ways to bring about change. 
  • Identify your goals 
  • Take a stand! 

You’re working to bring about change and call attention to an important topic. Change is scary, especially when It is brought about in response to an out dated rule. Bear in mind the school might be resistant and could very well retaliate or abuse their power to try and silence the change .

Take care,
Uncle Paige

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