How do I not look stupid but still be safe when it comes to fireworks

My friend almost blew off his finger last 4th of July. Any tips for not looking stupid while trying to avoid blowing off my finger?

Well, more and more States are banning fireworks, especially during times of drought. Mostly, people are being encouraged to attend public firework displays instead of lighting their own…but let’s face it fireworks are awesome and people are going to use them.

How to keep your face and digits in one piece:

  • Sparklers can reach 1,800°F (982°C) — hot enough to melt gold. Oddly enough, these are the fireworks we most often give the young kids. So, make sure to tie up kids hair, no loose clothing and have them keep it away from their face.
  • Buy only legal fireworks. While it may sound awesome to get the supped up rez brand…it might sound even more awesome to keep all your digits. And, illegal fireworks just aren’t as stable as the legal ones.
  • Never try to make your own fireworks. Nuf said.
  • Buy or borrow some cool shades, or frames. If you’ve ever wanted an excuse to try out some cool hipster frames, pick up a pair to use as eye protection.
  • Keep a bucket of water or hose nearby.
  • Light fireworks in a clear area. Stay away from dry brush and trees.
  • Don’t use glass or metal containers. Think of exploding shrapnel.
  • Never relight a dud. This is how you loose fingers and eyeballs.
  • Pick up after yourself. One of my pet-peeves is seeing everyone’s fireworks debris scattered everywhere the next morning. Just be sure to soak all fireworks in a bucket of water before throwing them in the trashcan.

What to do if someone gets an…

Eye injury – don’t flush the eye out with water or attempt to put any ointment on it. Instead, cut out the bottom of a paper cup, place it around the eye, and immediately seek medical attention — that person’s eyesight may depend on it.

A burn, remove clothing from the burned area and run cool, not cold, water over the burn (do not use ice). Call your doctor immediately.

You can make lots of good memories on the Fourth of July…just make sure they’re the good ones.🙂

Thanks for writing in and keepsafe!
Auntie Manda

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