Hey Auntie, I’m coming back from college and I’m a little worried about coming home and getting my family sick. I know of someone who was asymptomatic and got his whole family sick. Some of my family is calling me paranoid or are saying that I’m going overboard, but I just don’t want to get anyone sick, especially my grandma.

This is such a great question! Thank you for writing in.
You’re definitely not being paranoid or overreacting. The rate of reported COVID cases is at its highest and is projected to keep rising during the holiday season.

Some things you can do are to:
• Get your flu shot before you travel
• Always wear a mask in public
• Stay at least two arm’s length away from others
• Wash your hands often
• Try to stay home as much as possible for a couple weeks before you travel

Consider delaying your travel if you:
• Have a fever, cough or other symptoms
• Are awaiting viral test results – wait until you get the results
• Been or think you’ve been in contact with someone infected with COVID-19 in the past 14 days

If you do decide to go home:
• Use sanitizer on your hands, and sanitizer wipes on your phone and bags before entering the house
• Wash your hands and clothes as soon as you get home
• Avoid being around people and family outside of your immediate household
• If your sharing meals, make sure there’s no double dipping or finger licking! Get an extra bowl or plate for dips or finger foods. Make sure you show the little ones this too. You can always make space for the computer to video chat with the rest of the fam too.

To keep it simple, try to limit your risks as much as possible.

We’re all trying to do our best and I can tell that you are too. Thank you for the courtesy and the respect and love you’re giving your family.

Take care,
Auntie Manda

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Topics: Life Tips|Physical Health