Hi Uncle, I’m embarrassed about going to a community college while all my friends are going to big universities.. is it okay to go to a community college first and then transfer?

Thanks for asking this question. First, let me say congratulations on wanting to continue your growth through the pursuit of education.

Answering your question. Yes! It is okay to go to community college first, and then transfer. More and more people are starting to recognize the benefits of going to community college first. Universities are actually starting to partner with community colleges and helping make the transfer go smoothly.

Some benefits include:

  • A lower tuition rate that can save students thousands of dollars toward earning their four-year degree, if they transfer their credits at the end of a two-year program
  • The ability to explore a variety of majors without breaking the tuition bank in the first two years of the higher education experience
  • Smaller class sizes that allow for more personalized instruction
  • A flexible schedule that provides both day and night courses for students who have families and must work full time during their college experience
  • The ability to transfer credits to another institution if additional education is desired
  • Open admission policies at many schools that allow students who did not perform as well in high school the opportunity to pursue a higher education

One final thought. One of the biggest benefits is that community colleges are often located in and around your communities. You don’t need to pack up and move away to a different town, state or area. I know you might miss your friends, and being around them as they go to a large University. Staying closer to home will allow you to be closer to family, friends, and your support system. This is never an easy choice, but you are working on yourself and that is truly amazing!

In the pursuit of growth, education is a must!

Our people need you to represent us in higher education. Nothing embarrassing about that.

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Uncle Paige

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