I am from what I know a primarily white woman with a 1/ 4 Portuguese mixed. I am definitely attracted to native men. I was with a Native American Women’s Riding club and who’s is the Sister club of red rum. I am drawn to the culture, traditions, oral history and want to learn more. I am single and would love to meet some Native men in my are that are actively involved with their culture. I know there are Native dating sites out there but not sure how that would be received. If I joined one would it be disrespectful as I have never taken a DNA test and know my full genetic make up. Thanks for your support

Hi there!

Thanks for reaching out, glad to help answer your question.

Firstly, it’s important to realize that your preference of attraction is totally up to you, and it’s something that’s personal to each individual. There’s no problem in wanting to learn more about Native Culture as well if you are coming from a place of genuine curiosity and interest. Although I’m not too familiar with many Native dating sites, if they require you to be Native it’s never okay to pose or pretend to be another race/ethnicity. If Non-Natives are allowed, then you’re good to go as your preference of attraction is your business only. Maybe a Native would be interested in learning something about your heritage, who knows? More importantly, just be yourself!

You might find the link below helpful for ways to be an ally if you’re interested in learning more about Native Culture:

Take care,

Auntie Manda

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Topics: Identity|Non-Native Allies