I had unprotected sex with a woman two years ago. She’s said she had just been tested. I have zero symptoms of an std but I’m scared of asymptomatic stds.

Thanks for writing in!

You’re right, sometimes STDs do not have any symptoms, so if you’re worried about it, go get tested.

Getting tested for an STD is probably easier than you may have built it up to be.

Since there is no single test that can screen for all STDs, your health care provider will decide which tests to give you. These tests might include:

  • a physical exam by a doctor or nurse,
  • a urine sample (where you pee in a cup),
  • a blood test,
  • or a swab of your mouth and genitals

It might be a little uncomfortable, but none of them should hurt.

Sometimes a diagnosis can be made based on symptoms or a physical exam. Treatment could be prescribed right away. Other times, your provider may need to send a sample away to a lab.

During your visit make sure to ask any questions you have. And if you don’t hear back from the clinic by the time they said they’d contact you…give them a call.

To find a testing center near you check out:

Before your visit you can learn more about getting tested and all things sexual health at We R Native.

Way to take care of yourself!

Take care,

Auntie Manda


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Topics: Physical Health|Relationships|Sexual Health