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I get bullied by this girl because the boy she likes is dating me.

I get bullied at school everyday by this one girl because the boy she likes is dating me. She tells me to kill myself and I just don’t know what to do anymore? – Zah Geo –   Hi Zah Geo. First off, I’m so sorry that you have to…

I graduated high school but am lost on what to study or where to go?

Hey There! Yes, graduating from high school and deciding what to do next is definitely one of the biggest transitions in a young person’s life. It’s no wonder you’re feeling a little lost, and probably overwhelmed. It might be hard to believe, but most people feel this way during this…

I have an idea my relative is thinking about suicide. What should I do?

Mike, thank you for your question. Suicide is an important issue that affects many of us. From an Auntie’s eye view, one of the most important things is to show your relative that you care. If you feel comfortable, talk to them in private about the signs of suicide you…

I have friends back home that give me a hard time about leaving my rez.

I don’t know what to say. How can I shake it off? Dear “A,” people leave their reservations for different reasons… sometimes for school, a job, to travel, join the military, or to be closer to someone they love. I don’t know your reasons for leaving, but it stinks that…

I think I have an STD…What do you think?

I think I have and STD. It’s a brown dot on my testicular sac. What do you think? Hey there…I’m happy you’re reaching out for advice and taking control of your health. 🙂 So, I’ve talked to one of my MD (Medical Doctor) friends and he says it could be…

I think I might be gay…When do most people know for sure?

I think I might be gay, but I’m not sure. When do most people know for sure? Anonymous, the truth is that some people know their sexual orientation really early on in life (like when they’re 4 or 5 years old), while others go throughperiods where they question: Do I…