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So I’m labeled as a Mexican. Are Mexicans considered Native Americans?

So I’m labeled as a Mexican. Are Mexicans considered Native Americans? Love this question…because my grandma (hota) always says, “We’re all the same people.” I think what it comes down to is that every ethnic population is diverse and at some level is interrelated. This applies to different tribal groups…

So my friend is LGBTQ and is scared to come out. Help please!

So my friend is LGBTQ and is scared to come out and tell people she is. She’s afraid her family or friends or anyone won’t accept her. Help please. Thank you so much for being there for your friend, and for reaching out to me with your question! It is…

Some of my friends are involved in drugs. How do I help them?

Some of my friends are involved in drugs. How do I help them? We used to hang out all the time, but now I feel like I don’t even know them. Chris, this is an issue that affects so many people’s lives. And I am going to be frank with…

Were you shy in school? How did you change and make friends?

Were you shy in school? How did you change and make friends? David, it’s funny that you mention that. In fact I was a really quiet kid in elementary school. I was afraid to speak in class and was shy about talkingto new people. Over time though I became more…

What are hot dogs really made out of?

Dear Auntie, what are hot dogs really made out of? – Thanks dawg, Chibi, Zuni Pueblo Thanks for the question Chibi. Although, I wasn’t really sure I wanted to find out the answer, so thanks for that. If you look at the ingredient list of say the Original Ball Park…

What are some stories of your beliefs according to your culture?

What are some stories of your beliefs according to your culture? Thanks for the question! One of my favorites…story telling. Now we just need to be sitting around the dinner table sharing some good food. 🙂 One of my favorite stories is one about the Sacred Four Year period. My…