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I just found my friend cuts herself and I also have struggled with self harm for a long time. I know how much it sucks when people point it out do i just wait until she’s ready to tell me herself? How do i talk to her about it?

You’re such a good friend for writing in and for reaching out for help for the both of you! Finding out that someone you care about has been cutting can be upsetting, especially since you have had similar struggles. It’s normal to feel confused, helpless, sad, worried, or mad, especially…

Hi, My question is what is a good age to come out to your parents?

For starters, I’m sending you a big virtual hug! Props to you for reaching out and taking an important first step to your person voyage of self-discovery: coming out. It can be scary and hard to come out, especially when you probably have so many other things to think about.…

Dear Auntie, My uncle is going crazy and he is verbally abusive to my auntie and my first cousins. I’m scared of it becoming physical. I want them to move over here with me and they do too. How do I get them away from this?

I want to first thank you for having the courage to write this question. It sounds like you care for your Auntie a lot. They are going to need your strength and compassion during this time. This question is a difficult question to answer. There are a lot of different…

Hi Uncle. I am watching the FX on Hulu’s series Reservation Dogs. The latest episode focused on suicide. This is bringing up a lot of issues for me and my friends. Where can I get information or help I need too?

Hi, Thanks for asking! Suicide is the intentional act to end one’s life. Many tribal customs forbid or limit talking about suicide, death and dying as it is the belief that talking about it will make it happened. In order to help others, it’s important to talk about suicide and…

How can I graduate early?

Hey there! Thank you for writing in. So, you want to graduate early? There’re a few things you’ll need to do beforehand. Graduating early takes some special planning and, in most states, you’ll need parent/guardian consent in addition to support from a school administrator, like the principal or vice principal.…

Auntie’s wish for you going back to school…

Hey there! I just wanted to send a quick note to all of you that are going back to school. Things might look and feel a little different this year than years past. Some are going back to school in person or at home and both can come with their…

Hi I was wondering if you guys have any stories that relate to the environment?

Great question! To give you a short answer. Absolutely. We have stories, legends, and mythos and continued teachings that are centered on the environment. What an amazing and exciting question. Some reminders when looking into these stories. When looking into stories you will learn that they are usually born from…

Is there protocol on how many ribbons you put on a ribbon skirt and how many?

Hey Rebecca! Ribbon skirts are all about celebrating our individuality yet symbolizes empowerment and is a universal symbol of resistance, land, and water protection and a symbol of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). I had to ask my friend who makes ribbon skirts about the protocol and…

If I don’t speak Spanish, does that make me any less of a BIPOC?

Hey there! Thanks for writing in. We all come to the places we are currently standing for many different reasons. Part of this is due to the efforts we put forth individually, part due to the support of our inner and outer circles, and the other part is circumstantial; what…