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Why are Native Americans offended by the use of school Mascots like “Indians” where it’s used as a symbol of pride, strength, good luck, and lifelong connection among alumni? No disrespect is, or was, ever intended. Some schools have had mascots like this for over 50 years and now there are efforts to destroy them and the memories and history they represent. Why?

Thanks for writing in! This is such a great and timely question. For me, it’s a matter of individual perspective. When we group people and say that all Native Americans are offended by mascots it is incorrect. When we see people as a group, it takes away from knowing that…

I am 1/4th native American Indian how do I apply for tribal money?

Hey there. Well, there are a couple things to keep in mind. First thing, you’ll need to register with your tribe. Second thing, not all tribes and tribal members receive dividends or revenues. So if you haven’t already registered with your tribe you’ll need to do that. Just Google your…

Hello. My name is Rosi. My mom is not Native, but she’s Romanian and has dark hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. So has her mom and grandmother. My father is Native (Oglala Lakota). I am very, very pasty white, with green eyes, and redish/blonde/light brown hair. I am very involved in my culture, but I still get those natives that treat me like some wannabe wasicu. It is not my fault that I am so white, and I cannot change my skin color, although many times I wish I could. How can I try to make them see that I am just as Native as they are??

Dear Rosalia, You’re not alone in feeling this way. I have people write to me all the time about not feeling “Native enough”. Being half-Zuni, I have felt this myself. What I can tell you, is that you are enough…of everything. Many people of different backgrounds share this experience. However, it’s particularly difficult for…

Hi I’m a Pit River Native. I got a roll number, how do I get my tribal money?

Dear Mikas, Thanks for reaching out! There are a couple things to keep in mind. Not all tribes and tribal members receive dividends or revenues. I encourage you to reach out to your tribe to ask them about potential dividends or revenues that tribal members might be eligible for. You…

Hello Auntie, I’m 1/64 Cherokee and my parents don’t know much about the culture, and I don’t know my grandparents. I was wondering if it was still okay for me to learn about my culture and if I could, where do I start?

Hi Oak, Thanks for reaching out! Identity and knowing who we are is one of the most important journeys we can walk. I encourage you to explore your identity. This is a great start. There are many ways you can do this, yet there is no right or wrong way…

I’m a Chumash native Americans on my mother’s side. I live in Sacramento. Both my mother and grandmother has enrollment numbers. I am being harass by the legal officials here in Sacramento. Like hacking my phone constantly being followed. ECT… Im homeless and have been trying to get out of my situation. Ever place I get refused or ECT. I need help

Dear Dan, Thanks for writing in. It sounds like you are in a really stressful situation and I’m glad you reached out for help. I’m happy to help in any way I can. To start off, if you are being harassed by legal officials, it can be helpful to know…

I’m schizoaffective. Does this make me a bad person?

Dear Relative, Thank you for reaching out. You are not a bad person because you are schizoaffective. You are someone of value, who is loved, and you are not alone. There is a lot of misinformation, stereotypes, and stigmas against people with mental illness out there. And there’s a lot…