To support my beautiful Relatives during Breast Cancer Awareness month, I’d like to share some tips for doing breast tissue self-examinations.

To support my beautiful Relatives, I’d like to share some tips for doing breast tissue self-examinations.

They should be done once a month, and follow the TLC steps: “Touch, Look and Check”.

T – Touch: Lie on your back. Using the fingertips of your three middle fingers, touch both breasts (and the armpits too) in circular movements to feel for lumps. Gently squeeze each nipple for discharge or changes in skin. Do this is the shower too and feel for any lump, thickening, hardened knot, or any other breast changes.

L – Look: Stand in front of mirror and look for signs of breast cancer: redness, rash, retraction of nipple, changes to skin of breast: puckering, dimpling, flaking.

C – Check: Check with your doctor if you discover any changes in your breasts.

You can call your tribal clinic or family practitioner to set up an appointment.

Take care!

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Topics: Relationships|Sexual Health