What’s an HIV test like?

What’s an HIV test like?

Hey George! So an HIV test will usually start off with a pre-test consultation. This is for you to ask any questions you might have about the test.

One of two things will happen:

  • a blood sample (from the arm or finger)
  • or an oral fluid sample, depending on the type of test used at the site

HIV testing is strictly confidential and only goes ahead if the person agrees to it. If you’re getting an HIV test from someone other than your local/personal doctor they will not be told about the test unless you give your permission.

Depending on the test used, you’ll get results anywhere from a few minutes, to days, to weeks. So make sure to ask when you’ll hear back.

When the results arrive, the healthcare professional will explain what the results means, and if they are positive, the next course of action regarding treatment.

To find a testing center near you check out: Get Yourself Tested under hotlines & resources, or

Auntie Manda

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