I’m a 19 year old Two-Spirit who identifies as male. For me to feel comfortable I cut my hair because growing up even on my Rez girls had long hair and unless you have “Native hair” boys have short hair. I want to grow my hair but I don’t want my tribes people to start calling me female names/pronouns. Any tips?

Greetings! First off, congratulations on reaching such clarity in your gender identity. It can take people years, well into adulthood, to understand our genders given how little gender diversity we tend to be taught about at a young age. For me, I have found that the way people perceive my…
Answered by Itai
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Identity, Intolerance, Spirituality

My momma is really homophobic, and I asked her once what she would do if I came out to her. She said she would kick me out and disown me. My dad is pretty homophobic too, and I’m really scared of the finding out on accident that I’m bisexual. Can you help me think of a plan if they do find out?

Before we talk about a plan, I want to send you a big virtual hug. I’m so sorry about hearing how your parents might react. This is such inexcusable and incredibly hurtful behavior coming from people who are supposed to have your back. Just know there are a lot of…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Identity, Intolerance, Spirituality

Dear Auntie, what are you grateful for this year?

I love this question! In reflecting back on this crazy year, one thing that stuck with me was when we first started hearing and preparing for COVID, I, probably alongside most of the world, was looking at the world infection maps. Maps that showed varying sizes of red dots indicating…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Activism, Culture and Language, Education, Identity, Intolerance, Life Tips, Mental Health, Non-Native Allies, Physical Health, Relationships, Sexual Health, Spirituality

Is there a Two Spirit flag?

Hi Taylor! Yes, there are a couple different versions of the Two Spirit flag. Just a little info on the term “Two Spirit”. It was adopted by native people in the early 1990s as an umbrella term and an alternative to Western labels. 2SLGBTQ Native people throughout North America are…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Identity, Spirituality