I have an English final coming up and for it we have to write a speech about social justice issues today. I want to do something on native Americans but have no idea where to start. Any tips??

Hey Sydney! This is something I would like to read. Send it over when you’re done. With any good writing, it’s good to have a thesis, or a main topic. You’ll have to do a little searching to narrow down this very broad topic, as there is a very long…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies

Auntie’s 20 for 2020

Hi there! In light of the New Year, I’d like to share with you 20 of my goals for the new decade: 1.Belly laugh more often 2.Hug more 3.Talk more 4.Take in my family 5.Eat beautiful food 6.No animal flesh 7.Have more diverse friends 8.Journal more often 9.Study yoga 10.Keep…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Life Tips

Can I use the name “sk-nwalker” on a podcast where that creature is a villain in the book I’m covering? Or is that disrespectful and I should call it by another name?

You’re right in seeking guidance on using this taboo term. I appreciate you approaching this with caution. Being Zuni and living near Navajo people, we were taught to be weary of animals, especially near sunrise or sunset when witches were more likely to be out. Clearly you know this topic…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Culture and Language, Identity, Non-Native Allies

Hi Auntie. A family member recently went to Wyoming and took a picture of a sign named "Vision Quest Motel". My family is in an argument about whether the sign is racist or not. I don’t know what to think. Is it racist?

This is a great question and I appreciate you asking it. It shows that you respect and appreciate Native culture. Being from the Southwest (Zuni Pueblo, NM), I often saw Native designs displayed in various ways by Native and non-Native people. As we move forward as a society, we are…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Education, Identity, Intolerance, Non-Native Allies

What does MMIW stand for?

Hey auntie, I keep seeing MMIW and I was wondering if you can explain that? Thanks! It’s to bring awareness to the disproportionate rates of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) in the US and Canada Homicide is the third leading cause of death for indigenous women ages 10 to…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Physical Health, Relationships

Plastics accumulating in the ocean

I’ve heard a lot about plastics accumulating in the ocean. It seems too daunting to do anything about. I’m from a place where there’s no recycling and you can’t drink from the tap. Some things that have made me feel better: Is bringing my own bags to the store and…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Education