Hello relatives, I’m 22 years old about to turn another page. Lately I’ve been feeling depressed and anxious about everything. I’m struggling to find my purpose or what I want to do. I think work and school is taking a toll, I’m full time in both and still don’t know what I want to go to school for. How did you decide this? What helped you? Any advice?

Hey there! I’m so glad you wrote in. First, I want to give you big props for reaching out for some support and encouragement. That’s what true bravery is, listening to the truth of what’s in your heart and taking action. Go you! There are a few things I want…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Life Tips, Mental Health

How can I graduate early?

Hey there! Thank you for writing in. So, you want to graduate early? There’re a few things you’ll need to do beforehand. Graduating early takes some special planning and, in most states, you’ll need parent/guardian consent in addition to support from a school administrator, like the principal or vice principal.…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Life Tips

Hi I’m not Native but I want to start an ecovillage and I want to learn the ways natives have lived with nature. The farming, the building, the hunting, the cooking, everything lifestyle so I can live the best way possible

Hey there! There are some good writings on Traditional Ecological Knowledge, I particularly like the works of Raymond Pierotti and Daniel Wildcat, especially Red Alert!.. There is another Indigenous Devon Pena, who works around Indigenous food sovereignty. I would suggest you reach out respectfully to the Indigenous people in is…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies

Hi Auntie! I recently have been using crystals but am curious about Native American religion since I am Native American myself, I don’t want to betray any religion, but I just want to know if I can believe in both!

Hey there! Thanks for writing in. Spiritual well-being is best defined by each person. Each person has a right to experiment and discover what makes most sense for them and their life goals. This ‘well-being’ will look different from person to person but does have similar themes which may include:…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies, Spirituality