I’m Navajo but was raised in the corn pollen way. We live in Southern California now because we’re in the military however I want our son to be involved with his Native roots. How do I find him a mentor to start being in powwows?

Yá’ateeh, hello, my name is Cousin Corey. I am Ask Auntie/Relatives Navajo cousin here to help with some questions. I’m glad your reaching out to us with this question. Living away from Native communities does get a little tough connecting to cultural practices of all sorts. Some things to think…
Answered by Cousin Corey
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Life Tips, Spirituality

I just found my friend cuts herself and I also have struggled with self harm for a long time. I know how much it sucks when people point it out do i just wait until she’s ready to tell me herself? How do i talk to her about it?

You’re such a good friend for writing in and for reaching out for help for the both of you! Finding out that someone you care about has been cutting can be upsetting, especially since you have had similar struggles. It’s normal to feel confused, helpless, sad, worried, or mad, especially…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Life Tips, Mental Health, Physical Health, Relationships