Dear Auntie, My uncle is going crazy and he is verbally abusive to my auntie and my first cousins. I’m scared of it becoming physical. I want them to move over here with me and they do too. How do I get them away from this?

I want to first thank you for having the courage to write this question. It sounds like you care for your Auntie a lot. They are going to need your strength and compassion during this time. This question is a difficult question to answer. There are a lot of different…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Life Tips, Mental Health, Physical Health, Relationships

Hi Uncle. I am watching the FX on Hulu’s series Reservation Dogs. The latest episode focused on suicide. This is bringing up a lot of issues for me and my friends. Where can I get information or help I need too?

Hi, Thanks for asking! Suicide is the intentional act to end one’s life. Many tribal customs forbid or limit talking about suicide, death and dying as it is the belief that talking about it will make it happened. In order to help others, it’s important to talk about suicide and…
Answered by Uncle Paige
Topics: Identity, Life Tips, Mental Health

How can I graduate early?

Hey there! Thank you for writing in. So, you want to graduate early? There’re a few things you’ll need to do beforehand. Graduating early takes some special planning and, in most states, you’ll need parent/guardian consent in addition to support from a school administrator, like the principal or vice principal.…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Life Tips

Hi. I have a friend whose 4 yr old son is dealing with a rare tumour on his pituitary gland. Would it be appropriate to make him a star blanket as a symbol of healing and strength?

Dear Relative, I am so sorry to hear about your friend’s son, thank you for being a good relative and reaching out about him. I hope healing comes to him soon. Star quilts have a long and beautiful history, starting with buffalo robs, and are given to mark important life…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Life Tips, Non-Native Allies

Why are Native Americans offended by the use of school Mascots like “Indians” where it’s used as a symbol of pride, strength, good luck, and lifelong connection among alumni? No disrespect is, or was, ever intended. Some schools have had mascots like this for over 50 years and now there are efforts to destroy them and the memories and history they represent. Why?

Thanks for writing in! This is such a great and timely question. For me, it’s a matter of individual perspective. When we group people and say that all Native Americans are offended by mascots it is incorrect. When we see people as a group, it takes away from knowing that…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Activism, Intolerance, Life Tips, Non-Native Allies