May is Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

About 40% of cancers are preventable, including skin cancer! But skin cancer cases among young people have continued to increase since 1992. So slather on that sunscreen. And don’t wait until you’re at the pool — It takes 30 minutes for sunblock to fully soak in and protect you from the sun’s UV rays.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Organize a rally outside a tanning salon.
  • Create a flier or display showing facts about melanoma
  • Organize a concert, rally, or poetry slam for Your Cause
  • Create a skin cancer prevention video of your own.
  • Committed to spreading positive vibes and creating positive change in their communities.
  • Available for occasional conference calls. Reachable via text message, e-mail, Facebook, or phone.
  • Dedicated to becoming strong leaders.

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so theres this guy im friends with well its complicated. he used to like me and i kinda liked him but never said it and now hes acting real distant like even when i commented on his insta post he deleted the post after friends teased him why do you think?

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