Grant Winners

Grant Success Stories

NEE’NIJI Youth Day

In July, Virlencia Begay (Navajo), age 20, hosted a youth day called Nee’Niji. Activities included health awareness presentations, traditional teachings,physical activities (5k run, basketball, kickball, volleyball), college prep advice and a water balloon fight 🙂 The group applied for and received a WeR Native mini grant for $475 to help advertise, provide food and purchase school supplies to give out. They promoted their event by hanging up fliers,word of mouth and shared on social media. The event was a huge success and created a fun and supportive environment for over 200 people!

I just found my friend cuts herself and I also have struggled with self harm for a long time. I know how much it sucks when people point it out do i just wait until she’s ready to tell me herself? How do i talk to her about it?

see answer