Grant Winners

Grant Success Stories

Niitsitapi Nation – Ferris H.S. Leadership Club

In June, Jaycee Carrywater Jr.(Cheyenne/Lakota), age 15 and the Niitssitapi Nation (Ferris H.S. Leadership Club) from Spokane, Washington helped breakdown stereotypes while giving back to their community. The group applied for and received a We R Native mini grant for $475. They budgeted their moneyand purchased deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, bread, deli meat and cheese. After going to the store and purchasing these materials, they puttogether care packages to bring to their local homeless shelter. The event was a success and the group shared their stories on our YT channel!

I am from what I know a primarily white woman with a 1/ 4 Portuguese mixed. I am definitely attracted to native men. I was with a Native American Women’s Riding club and who’s is the Sister club of red rum. I am drawn to the culture, traditions, oral history and want to learn more. I am single and would love to meet some Native men in my are that are actively involved with their culture. I know there are Native dating sites out there but not sure how that would be received. If I joined one would it be disrespectful as I have never taken a DNA test and know my full genetic make up. Thanks for your support

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