Grant Winners

Grant Success Stories


In November, youth from Nimiipuu held a teen night where they learned about condoms, the importance of reducing your risk, and protecting the ones theylove. Kiara Garcia and Jessica Douglas led the STD game where everyone was given a cup of clear liquid and had to mix their cup of liquid with 3 otherpeople. At the end of the game, they saw who had an STD or HIV or both. Afterwards they talked about how the liquids didn’t smell or look any differentand how STD’s can also show no signs or symptoms. The event was a huge success and they even had a participant approach them about wanting to do theirown teen night.

Hi Auntie. So I want to start with saying my family is very diverse and disconnected I’m very white passing but on my moms side we have a lot of indigenous blood from multiple tribes how do I find where I fit in and with who? Also what’s the best way to learn more about my family since we are so disconnected?

see answer