Auntie’s 20 for 2020

Hi there!

In light of the New Year, I’d like to share with you 20 of my goals for the new decade:

1.Belly laugh more often

2.Hug more

3.Talk more

4.Take in my family

5.Eat beautiful food

6.No animal flesh

7.Have more diverse friends

8.Journal more often

9.Study yoga

10.Keep adventuring

11.Kick fear in the teeth

12.Consume less

13.Give freelywhat I get for free

14.Get PADIscuba certified

15.Swim with whale sharks

16.Teach my kids to rock climb & water ski

17.Live by the ocean

18.Buy a house

19.Go back to school

20.Do my part forNative’s Rising

As always, I prayer for your health, happiness, and for you to embrace and share the gifts that Creator has given you.

Happy New Year everyone!

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