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Reclaiming Food Sovereignty

For centuries, Indigenous communities have been disconnected from their traditional food sources due to challenges, like displacement and forced assimilation. For instance, Indigenous children in boarding schools were given processed foods instead of their traditional nutrient-rich diets. This dramatic change in diet, along with being forced to live away from…
Categories: Eating Well, My Body, My Culture, Traditions

Navigating College as a Young Native Man

Navigating college as a Native man poses unique challenges and opportunities. For example, in many Indigenous communities, there is a belief that Native men should be strong, independent, and possess warrior-like qualities. College life has many opportunities to connect with others, identify our weaknesses and gifts, grow, and learn how…
Categories: Education, Life Tips, Life Transitions, My Life

A Love Note to All My Queer Relations (on Mental Health)

As Indigenous people, we have a rich history of queerness. Indigenous people who are queer, trans, gender nonconforming, gay, lesbian, non-binary, and fluid have always existed. And our queer Indigenous ancestors were loved, valued, and respected members of their communities.   We honor our queer Indigenous ancestors every day by being…
Categories: Feeling Good, Feeling Healthy, LGBT - Two Spirit, My Life, My Relationships

Advocating for Yourself at the Doctor’s Office

Doctor’s offices, clinics, and other medical spaces can cause anxiety, fear, and trauma for many of us. Medical trauma, a term that describes the negative mental and physical reactions that stem from one or more bad experiences with medical care, can show up in a variety of ways. For example,…
Categories: Getting Help, Health Care, My Life

Setting Boundaries with Social Media

Today’s generation is pressured to be what society deems “perfect.” Although you don’t actually need to be perfect, there is pressure to have a perfectly curated online presence. This is partly due to our relationship with social media and the ability to see what everyone is doing all the time…
Categories: Feeling Healthy, Life Tips, My Life

Preparing to Attend a Predominantly White University

Getting accepted into college is an impressive achievement and important milestone. However, for many Native people who aren’t attending a Tribal college or university, going to college means attending a school with a predominantly white student body. Although being the only Native student in certain classes can be challenging at…

National Loving Day

National Loving Day celebrates interracial marriage and the precedence set for same sex marriage by commemorating the anniversary of the June 12th, 1967 US Supreme Court decision Loving vs. Virginia. This decision struck down all anti-miscegenation laws (which are laws enforcing racial segregation at the level of marriage and relationships)…
Categories: Dating, LGBT - Two Spirit, My Relationships

How to Accept Change

Sometimes, change can be sudden and difficult to cope with. Other times, it can be exciting. Whatever emotions it might bring up, change is a necessary and natural part of life. Think of the life stages of butterflies, for example. Each butterfly starts out as a caterpillar, but before it…
Categories: Coming-of-Age, Life Tips, Life Transitions

How to Date Yourself

Dating can be hard, especially if you don’t know what you are looking for! One way to gain perspective is by dating yourself. It is difficult to decide if someone else would be a good partner until you get to know yourself. Plus, planning fun activities you choose for you…
Categories: Dating, Feeling Good, My Relationships, Self Esteem