My parents are always getting into really bad arguments

My parents are always getting into really bad arguments with cussing involved and it is usually in front of me and my younger siblings. How can I help my family when I am away at college when I find out they got into a bad argument again???

I am really sorry to hear that this is happening to your family. I’m proud of you for recognizing that something is not right and doing something about it by reaching out. That’s no small thing.

First, please know that if you parents are fighting it is not your fault. Second, if you feel unsafe, if your siblings are unsafe, or someone is being hurt please get help, by calling 911.

It is normal for parents and adults to fight. Life is stressful and we tend to take it out on those around us. But it sounds like your parents are arguing A LOT. This can cause a lot of stress and emotions to happen and you may find that this is affecting your life in different ways.

If your parents are fighting a lot and it is safe for you, I would suggest you talk to them about it. But don’t do this when they are in the middle of an argument. Do it when everyone is calm. Many parents don’t realize how their arguing is impacting their children. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your parents, please talk to a trusted adult or counselor about what you are going through. Ask for support to see of someone can mediate a conversation with you or on your behalf.

Here are some resources that might help:

It takes a lot of courage to want to help your family, especially when you are away. I encourage you to do what you can to support your family, while also taking care of yourself. I am sure it is hard to stay focused on college when you are worried about your family. Talk to someone you trust, know that this is not your fault and take care your yourself.

Good luck,
Auntie Manda

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