Can you bead a condom?

Can you bead a condom? Good question. No you cannot bead a condom if you’re planning on using it for sex, though it may look pretty rad. You never want to put holes or sharp objects, like scissors or beading needles near a condom you’re planning on using. That’s because…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Life Tips, Sexual Health

How do I approach someone that I see in the same place almost everyday? We always make glance at each other and smile but I’m uncertain if I’m getting the wrong signals or not.

Only you can decide if you’re attracted to someone and it’s okay to take some time to decide if a relationship is right for you. In making this decision, you might want to consider what you want from a relationship. Am I ready for a relationship? It’s not unusual to…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Life Tips, Relationships

Is weed really bad?

Is weed really bad? If some people can use it for medicine and it’s effects are not as bad as most other recreational drugs, why does it have such a negative rep? This is a complicated question. I will try to break this down in a few ways. Is weed…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Intolerance, Life Tips, Physical Health

Why is caffeine a drug?

Why is caffeine a drug? Good question! Caffeine is considered an addictive substance, which is why it is categorized as a drug. The way it works Caffeine works as a stimulant and psychoactive drug. As a stimulant, it impairs your nervous system by blocking something called your adenosine receptors, which…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Life Tips, Physical Health