Can I be pregnant?

Dear Auntie, I haven’t had sex for almost 3 weeks now and I’ve been having symptoms like nausea, white discharge, mood swings, cramps, and cravings. Can I be pregnant? Hey there. I’m so glad that you wrote in. You mentioned some symptoms worth checking out. When you’re pregnant the following…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Physical Health, Relationships, Sexual Health

Introducing Auntie Amanda

Hi everyone…it’s been awhile since I’ve done a video telling you more about myself. So for starters, I’m from the Zuni Pueblo in NM, which is a matrilineal tribe, meaning the family is traced back through the woman’s side and basically, she’s the boss. I have three brothers; I’m the…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Activism, Culture and Language, Education, Identity, Intolerance, Life Tips, Mental Health, Non-Native Allies, Physical Health, Relationships, Sexual Health, Spirituality

How do you know if someone loves you

Dear Auntie, how do you know if someone loves you? Ooh, good question! 🙂 So what do you feel? What is your gut telling you? This should be your first indication of how a person feels about you. I’m assuming you’re talking about romantic love…because as a teen-anger, you’re probably…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Life Tips, Relationships