My family has already received Indian money back in the 1980’s. Indian affairs said we would get more off of land. Where do I start by checking the status

Hi Natalie! The best place to start would be to check with your Tribe. I did find this resource on the U.S. Department of Interior that might be helpful too: Just do an internet search to find out your tribes contact info and start making calls. Hope this helps…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Life Tips

Hi I’m not Native but I want to start an ecovillage and I want to learn the ways natives have lived with nature. The farming, the building, the hunting, the cooking, everything lifestyle so I can live the best way possible

Hey there! There are some good writings on Traditional Ecological Knowledge, I particularly like the works of Raymond Pierotti and Daniel Wildcat, especially Red Alert!.. There is another Indigenous Devon Pena, who works around Indigenous food sovereignty. I would suggest you reach out respectfully to the Indigenous people in is…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies

Hi Auntie! I recently have been using crystals but am curious about Native American religion since I am Native American myself, I don’t want to betray any religion, but I just want to know if I can believe in both!

Hey there! Thanks for writing in. Spiritual well-being is best defined by each person. Each person has a right to experiment and discover what makes most sense for them and their life goals. This ‘well-being’ will look different from person to person but does have similar themes which may include:…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies, Spirituality

My momma is really homophobic, and I asked her once what she would do if I came out to her. She said she would kick me out and disown me. My dad is pretty homophobic too, and I’m really scared of the finding out on accident that I’m bisexual. Can you help me think of a plan if they do find out?

Before we talk about a plan, I want to send you a big virtual hug. I’m so sorry about hearing how your parents might react. This is such inexcusable and incredibly hurtful behavior coming from people who are supposed to have your back. Just know there are a lot of…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Identity, Intolerance, Spirituality

Hey Auntie, Why is it so hard for me to find love as a teen? i dance, sew, bead and go ceremony but still fail to find a high school sweetheart or companion of any sort.

Hey there! Thanks for writing in. One of the hardest things for me to learn when I was younger was patience and trust. These are still lessons I’m constantly challenged with today. What I have learned is that my ancestors roll hard. I know they have my back and are…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Relationships

Hi I’m not Native but I want to start an ecovillage and I want to learn the ways natives have lived with nature. The farming, the building, the hunting, the cooking, everything lifestyle so I can live the best way possible

Hey there! There are some good writings on Traditional Ecological Knowledge, I particularly like the works of Raymond Pierotti and Daniel Wildcat, especially Red Alert!.. There is another Indigenous Devon Pena, who works around Indigenous food sovereignty. I would suggest you reach out respectfully to the Indigenous people in is…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Identity, Non-Native Allies

I want to get my children who are registered with a tribe to become a dancer. I know the recommendation is to get a mentor first. How and where can I find a mentor?

Great question. I would start with your tribe, or your children’s tribe. If you know of any dancers there, reach out to them either through social media or mutual friends. If you don’t live on, or near your tribe’s reservation, then look for Native organizations in your city or near…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Culture and Language, Identity, Non-Native Allies