Dear Auntie Jane, will I ever stop feeling lonely?

Hi there! Thanks for writing in. Let’s talk about loneliness and some follow up questions you might have Why do I feel like this? Loneliness is a starving for connection. Some people can be alone and not feel lonely while others can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.…
Answered by Auntie Jane
Topics: Mental Health

Hello relatives, I’m 22 years old about to turn another page. Lately I’ve been feeling depressed and anxious about everything. I’m struggling to find my purpose or what I want to do. I think work and school is taking a toll, I’m full time in both and still don’t know what I want to go to school for. How did you decide this? What helped you? Any advice?

Hey there! I’m so glad you wrote in. First, I want to give you big props for reaching out for some support and encouragement. That’s what true bravery is, listening to the truth of what’s in your heart and taking action. Go you! There are a few things I want…
Answered by Auntie Manda
Topics: Education, Life Tips, Mental Health

Dear Relatives, I have recently started to seriously try to reconnect with my Choctaw culture. Something complicates my existence is the fact that I’m transgender. Perhaps, this is another reason why I feel lost. Not only do I want to feel like a whole woman, I want to feel like a whole person. Anyway, do you have any advice?

Hi there, Halito relative! Yakoke for writing in – I always get a lil extra excited when I see other Choctaws reach out 🙂 Let’s see where I can support you! I definitely want to acknowledge what youv’e written, because there’s so much there – goodness. I want to give…
Answered by Cousin Asia
Topics: 2SLGBTQ, Identity, Intolerance, Mental Health, Spirituality

I’m a native American from Nevada. Is it possible to go to rehabs outside my state? How do I reach out for funding? I’m already known as a drug addict but I really need treatment I’m scared.

Thank you so much for writing in. Reaching out for help is something that takes strength and bravery; I’m proud of you for doing that. You are not the only one in this situation. Struggling with addiction is scary, and it’s made even scarier when the people around you don’t…
Answered by Uncle Paige
Topics: Life Tips, Mental Health, Physical Health, Relationships